
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Doctors and appointments

Surgery date: September 30th_

Dr. Kent 347-4000
10-6-11 10:15 follow up appt from surgery.
9-1-11 12:00
Call Dr. Kent's office once I have surgery scheduled.  I will
then see Dr. Kent about a week after the surgery.

PET Scan
9-7-11 11:45am.  Be there an hour early.  Will take awhile

Dr. Hughes 417-820-9330
Plastic Surgeon
9-8-11 8:30am (Springfield)

Dr. Monroe 417-455-4200 
General Dr
8-17-11 2:15pm
no future appointments at this time

Dr. Coy
Crystal (scheduler) 347-8511
Suzanne (nurse) 347-8508
8-30-11 10:00am
no future appointments at this time


I want to thank everyone.  I have received so many prayers, thoughts, hugs, encouraging words, help, etc. from so many people. God has blessed me with a very large supportive group of family and friends.
I really don't know how to thank everyone.  Each person means so much to me.  Each thought and prayer mean so much to me. The love I am receiving is so comforting.  I truly helps me.
I really hope everyone knows that I love them and am thankful for them.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I think after the emotions of the good news my body was worn out again.  I was very tired and exhausted last night.  I feel emotionally good today.  I didn't cry all day Tuesday and haven't yet today.  It is 12:30pm.
I have an appointment with oncology//Dr. Kent tomorrow at 12:00.  I pray this appointment goes well like yesterday's appt.  I pray she says the same thing the surgeon does.  If she does then I meet with the plastic surgeon Thursday the 8th.  If he is on the same path as Dr. Coy and Dr. Kent then he will then determine when my surgery is and I will move forward.
As of now, I will have surgery on a Friday.  I will have a bilateral mastectomy. I will have reconstructive surgery as soon as my breast are removed.  It approx a 2 hour surgery total.  It is a recovery time of 4-6 weeks.  At the time of surgery they will remove the lymph nodes that are associated with the cancer cells and will find out in a few days if I will need chemo or radiation.
I can handle all this.  If things go as planned I get to live and be with Tony.  Thank you Lord!

Happy Dance

Tuesday, August 30, 2011.  I slept in that morning.  I was so physically, emotionally and mentally tired from Monday.  My friend and I went to my 10am appt.  After the appointment this is how I felt:
God is amazing and prayers are being answered. Mountains are moving!!! I met with the surgeon today and feel 100% better. He confirmed that it is invasive ductal carcinoma. We don't know the stage and won't know until I have surgery and have the lymph nodes that are associated with cancer removed and tested. But the surgeon is confident that it should be stage one. Iit is 1.9cm and anything under 2 is the best.  I was a new woman after that appt. and i felt so much better.
I was ready to do a happy dance.

The results are in - Monday, August 29, 2011

I received a call from my general Dr. at 9:16am.
She gave me a plethora of information.  What I basically heard was: I have breast cancer.
I cried, I got dizzy, I got sweaty, I got hot, and I cried even more.  I couldn't believe it.
I wanted to know what I did wrong and why me.  After "freaking out" I collected myself and called my Dr. back.  I wanted the details again. I wanted to pay attention and learn. Once I got a hold of her I asked her to fax me the information.  She said she was waiting on information from Dr. Cox and then would fax. it. She said that I have an appt with the surgeon 9-8-11 and that they were working on getting me into oncology.
I then went home and took a nap.  All I could think was I didn't want Tony to grow up without a mom. I wanted him to know how much I love him and I wanted him to grow up with God and be a good man.
I also didn't want to hurt my friends and family.  This was going to hurt them. But it was out of my control. I needed that nap.
I woke up to a call from a friend. He got me an appt with Dr. Coy for the next day at 10:00 am.  That was helpful. I didn't want to wait until the 8th of Sept. I called Dr. Cox's office to see if they had any updated information.  I was told that they hadn't received the written paperwork and they would know more in the morning.  They were doing all they could to get me into oncology as that was the next step.
I then called a friend. She found out 9-2-10 that she had breast cancer.  She didn't have a history of it in her family either and she is younger than me.  She talked to me and gave me the step by step process she went through.  I asked questions and felt so much better after that call.
It was then time to pick up Tony from school.  I picked him up (still very weepy) and had a great evening with him.  It was a quiet night for me.  I kept to myself and cried myself to sleep.

The 3 days of waiting

Friday, August 26th: I woke up very tired. The cut that was made for the biopsy never stopped bleeding.
I ended up with hematoma under the cut.  It was hard under it.  When I called the Dr. about it I was told that it was okay.  I had to press 10 min. on the area as hard as I could and that would stop the bleeding. It worked.  I kept ice on it all weekend.  I bruised up Sunday.  I wore my sports bra until Wed. morning because it wasn't as sore when I wore it.
I went to work Friday morning hoping to work, but I was tired and my mind was elsewhere.  I did a few things and then went home and took a nap.  I woke up and went back to work around noon. I couldn't focus so I stayed at the office and worked on personal items.  I needed to call people, work on bills, etc. So many things to do.
I left work around 4pm and picked up Tony from his grandma's house.  He and I had a good evening.
I really thought it was going to be a long weekend of waiting.  It was a very busy weekend.  I also didn't want the weekend to end because I got the results on Monday.  As far as I was concerned, I didn't have breast cancer.  For the weekend, ignorance was bliss.

Finding Out - Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 11th I was in bed watching TV with Tony.  I had an itch on my right breast. While scratching it I felt a bump. I hadn't felt a bump in my breast before so I was a little worried, but really thought it would be nothing.  I talked with several friends about it and all of them encouraged me to get to the Dr. just to be safe.  There isn't history of breast cancer in my family so I wasn't too worried, but did want to be safe.
Monday, August 15th I called my Dr and I got an appointment for Wednesday, the 17th at 2:15. I went to that appointment and my Dr. confirmed that the lump was there and should be further investigated.  She said I have dense breast and most likely it is just "lumpy breasts" but you just can never be too sure.
I was given an appointment to have a mammogram at the Women's Center on Thursday, August 25th at 9:40.
Thursday, August 25th.  I arrived at the Women's Center at 9:10 as requested to fill out paperwork.  Still at this time pretty sure that I have "lumpy breast" and was going to leave within the hour to go back to work and talk about how bad it hurt when they squished my breast between the plates to check it out. It was my first mammogram and all I heard was how much it hurt.
The process was amazing.  The mammogram tech (Patsy) was very informative, gentle and very nice. She explained everything so well.  She gave me information on breast exams..the works. I had several mammograms done.  She took so many pics of my right breast. I was getting concerned.  She told me the lump was for sure something.  She showed me how it had a definite line around it. She thought it was a cyst.
I was a little concerned, but had heard that most cysts aren't malignant. Once the pictures of my breast were taken she would take them to the Dr. and he would review them to see if more pictures were needed. He spotted white dots on my left breast.  I had to get more pictures of that side so they could get a closer look to see if the dots were clustered.  I guess if they were clustered it would be a concern for cancer.  Wow. I was on an emotional roller coaster. After taking a closer look, the dots were not clustered and I was relieved.
We now were back to checking the lump on my right side.  They moved me on to get an ultra sound done.  Approximately 60 pictures were captured during the ultrasound.  The ultrasound tech (Ellen) told me that if there was anything to be concerned about that I would hear from them today otherwise to be sure that I call my doctor's office Tuesday if I hadn't heard anything. 
I left a bit concerned, but really thought it was just a cyst and it would all be okay. It was 11:29am when I  was on my way back to the office I received a call from my Dr.  She told me that I needed to get a biopsy done.  The Dr. reviewed the ultrasound pics and was concerned.  She assured me that they just like to be thorough as this isn't something to take seriously.  As I was talking to her I received the call from the Women's Center.  I clicked over and talked to the lady.  She told me that I needed to be back at the Women's Center by 1:30 and that I needed a list of my medications and to plan to be there awhile.
It was then that it hit me and I cried.  I cried a lot.  I wanted to stay positive, but I couldn't help but think of what was going to happen.
I went back to the office and tried to work.  It was useless.  My friend Starla and I went to the appointment.  I got to see the Dr. at 2:30 and he said that the mass in my breast was hard and needed to be removed.  It wasn't a cyst and I needed an biopsy.
They did the prep and I had an ultra sound core biopsy.  It was very interesting to watch.  They numbed my right breast and took out like 5 worm like pieces out of my breast. Everyone was so friendly and comforting.  The incision was small enough that I didn't need a stitch.  They applied 10 minutes of pressure and then put suture tape on it.  They did another mammogram to be sure they cored out the right area.  They had also placed a small piece of something into the area so it would show up on future mammograms to mark the area.  I had another ultra sound done under my right arm checking the lymph nodes one more time.
I was sent home.  The time was close to 5pm.  I got Starla back to the office by 4:50 and I went to see Tony.  I was told to take it easy all weekend and not to use my right arm.
I was given a card with Dr. Cox's number on it and told to call it Monday right before noon to get the results.